

Forensic psychologists require a solid understanding of the legal system. We need to grasp case law and use research-based evaluation tools that meet legal standards. To acquire these specialized skills, I followed my Ph.D. in clinical psychology with a post-doctorate in forensic psychology. The program provided intense training in forensic clinical assessments of juveniles and adults, mental health case law, and applied theoretical forensic issues. In 2014, I completed the rigorous process of becoming certified by the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) in the specialty area of forensic psychology. This hard-earned distinction  helps me better serve my clients and colleagues.



After completing my post-doctorate, I served for 11 years as Clinical Director of the Juvenile Justice Division in the Cook County Juvenile Court Clinic, which responds to court-ordered requests for clinical evaluations. My work included developing evaluation protocols; conducting evaluations; and providing technical assistance to other jurisdictions interested in adopting the clinic’s well-regarded model. As a private practitioner, I work with lawyers on both sides of the bar, providing evaluations and expert testimony  for criminal and civil cases. I am often sought out for my sensitivity to factors such as culture, gender, class and trauma. My specialties  include, but are not limited to: false or disputed confessions, competency, capital litigation, juvenile issues, Miranda evaluations, and resentencing evaluations consistent with Miller v Alabama and Montgomery v Louisiana. I also consult, present, and write on a wide range of topics. In 2015, I became a lecturer at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine.


Professional Affiliations

In 2014, I was selected from a highly competitive pool of applicants to participate as a member of the American Psychological Association’s Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology. Their mission is two-fold: to increase the diversity, number, and effectiveness of female leaders in psychology, and to influence institutional, organizational, and practitioner settings to be more open to women as leaders in the field. I have served on various committees, including the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Committee on Legal Issues (COLI) and the Executive Committee of the American Psychology‐Law Society (AP‐LS), a division of APA. Additionally, I chaired the Forensic Subcommittee of the Illinois Psychological Association.